Integrity is the difference between a business that will crash and a business that will thrive. Discover how to build a business grounded in integrity and get practical tips for authentic growth.
From the mind of Michelle Markwart Deveaux…
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We Need Liberation in Order to Change Ourselves, Our Business, and Our Industry
Understand the importance of liberation in personal and business growth. Learn to break free from limiting beliefs and oppressive systems.
Personal Branding: A Help or Hindrance to Authenticity?
Uncover the paradox of personal branding and how it can often lead to a loss of authenticity.
Getting Clients to Understand why Paying for Professional Coaching is Worth Every Penny
Help your clients understand the potential of professional coaching! Discover how to show them that investing in coaching services can accelerate their growth.
Stop Guessing: How to Make Your Marketing Count
Boost your marketing with our actionable guide! Learn how to measure, quantify, and choose effective strategies. Start now!
The Importance of Pricing in the Arts Industry: A Guide
Don’t undercharge for your art. Learn how to set rates that align with your business needs and market with our Six Pillars of Pricing framework.
Intersectionality in Entrepreneurship: How Identity Impacts You and Your Clients
Factors like inaccessibility to wealth and/or resources, education status, race, gender, body type, neurodivergence, and sexuality impact business ownership and opportunities.
Should You Raise Your Rates? A Data-Driven Guide to Making a Strategic Decision
Should You Raise Your Rates? A Data-Driven Guide to Making a Strategic Decision. Raising your rates has never been so tempting – read on to find out how to use data to make it happen! Most likely yes, you “should” raise your rates. Sometimes, no. Use data to drive the decision. Read on!
How to Answer “But What Exactly do you DO?”
As small business owners, we're often asked to explain what we do in a clear and concise way. It's a simple request, but one that can be surprisingly difficult to...
Five Reasons I Gave Up “Charging What I’m Worth”
The concept of “charging what you’re worth” is misleading and harmful, as it connects personal value to financial position and can lead to negative self-perceptions. Instead, focus on valuing services based on what is needed to run a business effectively.