Dollars have never been so disruptive.

Any asshat can make money.

And money can make anyone an asshat.

Money has never meant more than what it means now – how you make it and what you do with it.

Plenty of people use their dollars to divide. Their version of disruption comes in the form in power grabbing, discrimination, and ego boosting.

Michelle smiling
hand pointing down

But not you and I.

We seek to disrupt, oh yes we do. We seek honorable policies, impactful offers, and leveraging capitalism to disrupt, well, the gross version of capitalism. (We rather like the capitalism that says you can do the thing and love the people and make the money all at the same time.)

You lay in bed and worry that you’ll never figure out your business model. That your mission is unclear. That you’re not pricing properly. That you may actually have to start marketing and selling. Which you might be willing to do, if you could do it without the nausea.

Then, you lay in bed and worry that at the end of that day, once you’ve figured out your business model and pricing, you’ve got your mission in view, and you start marketing and selling, you’ll have a pile of money with nothing meaningful to show for it.

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You’ve got a deep longing for magical outcomes.

We do too!

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Magical outcomes become reality when we work a strategic combo of three concepts:

  • Business Savvy
  • Tenacity
  • Radical Hospitality

Each of these concepts has a client facing component, an internal business facing component, and a sizable list of action items. (Sorry.)

It’s my team and my job to make sure you’ve got a healthy dose of all of the above.

Option One

  • (which we recommend):

Explore Your Options: Book a Quick N’ Dirty Session

My preference is that you book an initial one-on-one coaching call with me, Michelle. Partly because I wanna e-meet your fabulous face. Mostly because I want to be be sure we achieve the following:


Solve some immediate problems so you gain some headway – yep! A real, live business coaching call.


Experience one another so we can see if FcK is the fck-ing right place for you. (Ha! Dirty birdie!)


Determine your next best step – whether that is joining The SpeakEasy Cooperative®, participating in the How to Run Your Voice Biz Without Hating Your Boss Accelerator program, continuing with one on one coaching, or a combo of these things.

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This call is over Zoom (tech willing!),
60 minutes (give or take), and is $350. It assumes reasonable follow up to get you where you need to go next.

If you’re not new to coaching with Michelle and are not in The SpeakEasy Cooperative, please use this link to book a drop-in session.

If you are already in SECO, please use your special members-only link.

Book Your
Quick N’ Dirty Session here:


Option Two

Get to the Goodies immediately: Join The SpeakEasy Cooperative®

I understand that you may have interacted with a bunch of the free content out there that is available on the blog and socials, and you know you’d like to just get started already, geez, so you can skip that step if ya wanna.

Click here
to check out SECO

SECO, as we like to call it for short, is ​the premiere not-for-asshats monthly subscription where we hang out and dish about business, beverages, life, pedagogy, performing, and even some voice science! It’s loaded with business coaching, voice continuing ed, human support, and face to face online interaction.

We are the first of its kind: a mentorship & co-working cooperative created by & for Independent Voice-Related Business Owners, like voice teachers, SLP’s with private practices, body workers, online business creators, and multi-teacher studio owners. You don’t have to be an indy to join (we love our academic colleagues!) but you do have to give a hoot about creating a business that brings impact to the world – whether your world is your neighborhood or the globe.

The SECO Mission Statement:

The SpeakEasy Cooperative® is dedicated to individuals in the arts taking back their power and being liberated from harmful narratives around value, worth, money, and prestige so that their businesses become sustainable and their lives are transformed. We’re here to provide resources, foster collaboration, and promote ethical business practices that are also profitable. No fluff, no nonsense—just a community committed to making a difference in the arts world.

SECO is $99 a month. You can cancel whenever you like via your membership portal on our site.

Option Three

Delayed Gratification: Participate in the How to Run Program

If you’re wanting a top-to-bottom, thorough, get all the bases covered revamp or jump start to your business, How to Run Your Voice Biz Without Hating Your Boss Accelerator is for you.

This program takes you through nine modules that cover the foundational principles to create or revamp your business – from digging out your ideal client avatar to learning to think three steps ahead to understanding a profit and loss statement.

It is a high touch, ten month mastermind experience complete with planning, tasks, and support and includes additional BONUS training on hiring and leading a team.

The ten-month live program is $6200.

For the live ten- month program, which includes intensive coaching, feedback, and one on one time with the team, learn more and apply here

FCK Website Logo clear background

Interested in Michelle hanging out with people you love?

(like your community membership, academic institution, professional org, team-based business, or studio?)

Click here for information on Seminars/ Workshops, Public Speaking, or Master Classes, for your event.

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Find Michelle Featured On:

HTS How to succeed in theater logo
The Official Journal of Singing logo for NATS
[dj] arts: Education in Performing Arts Logo (dark)
Missouri State Department of Theatre and Dance
Gillyanne and Jeremy Kayes This is a Voice podcast
SFCM - San Fran Conservatory of Music
VocalFry Podcast logo
Caine College Arts, Errik M. Hood logo
Expand Online Summit logo
Voice Culture Podcast
Naked Vocalist Podcast logo
Full Voice Podcast for Teachers with Nikki Loney
Rebel Therapist with Annie Annie Schuessler podcast
The Women's Advocate
NATS National Association of Teachers of Signing, Inc. 1944 (logo)
Weston Hurt's UndertheHood
The University of Utah