The SpeakEasy Cooperative® primary logo
SECO Live 2022 group stage photo color

Join the premier business consulting & coaching community for those in and around the arts

dedicated to demolishing the traps of the starving artist mentality so that we can create wellness, wealth, and mojo, together.

(Without being asshats)

Bootleggers and Moonshiners,
come on in.

The SpeakEasy Cooperative® is a brave space where you gain business creation and management skills, confidence in speaking your truth, and grow your revenue to meet your financial needs.

You’ll do this alongside a league of voice teachers and other business owners who motivate you to ask questions and express opinions – without having to defend your expertise, skills, or techniques – so you can generate offers that meet the felt needs of those who use their voices in the world.

SECO members are BeastyBosses™, just like you.

You love Choosing Your Own Adventure and you are ready to roll up your sleeves, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no voice peep has gone before.

You’ll learn how to learn, reducing “shiny object syndrome” and increasing efficient decision making around things like pricing, business model, and marketing strategy.

You’re nerve-cited to finally be around a bunch of down-to-earth-no-pretense-ready-to-grow people who can’t wait to normalize success and celebration and share the joy of their own #sassafras.

You’ll be able to sell your offers more effectively and speak with more accuracy around how you help your potential clients.

You see yourself as a business owner and are working toward uncoupling your identity from your work.

You want to show self loyalty in approaching your schedule, your policies and procedures, and your pricing, leaving you with a higher level of peace with your clientele.

You believe that hard, honest, calling in conversations with courage create change in our studios, the voice field, the small business community at large, and the world.

You seek to embrace difficult conversations so that relationships are restored quickly and everyone can all get back to the good, hard work.

You enjoy GIF’s. Like, a lot.

You’re relentlessly pursuing reigniting that passion for fun; you want to laugh and play again, and model what it means to take your goals seriously while not taking yourself too seriously.

Does a BeastyBoss sound like you?
Or someone you strive to be?

We thought so.

Pull up a stool.

The SpeakEasy Cooperative®


hand pointing right


The fantastic things our members have to say about us will simply knock your socks right off your feet.

A photograph of Georgia Gray.

Georgia Gray

Georgia Gray Voice Studio

Being in SECO is entering the room confused, stuck, frustrated and lost, and leaving the room with clarity, vision, support and drive.

My business has been forever changed by becoming a member.

The international network of like-minded independent teachers is fantastic, the resources for growing your business are phenomenal, and most of all, every interaction feels like a hug from your best friend – except your best friend 100% gets your business.

A recent Group Coach with Michelle left me inspired to be myself and trust my instincts on a tricky decision, with the support to dream huge. What are you waiting for?

Dr Heather Nelson testimonial photo

Dr. Heather Nelson


I’m investing further this year and going deeper because:

SECO members have a tendency to know just how to push/nudge/cajole me into taking steps I am not sure I’m ready for. I tend to try to build the foundation, and the walls, and the ceiling, and furnish the entire damn house before I feel ready enough to move into a new space. I’m learning to leap before I’m ready, and trust that I can build as I come in for a landing.

SECO celebrates and encourages the unique niche that each professional holds. There’s more than enough space for everyone.

I want to change my business, and along the way I’ll change my life.

Joslin Romphf Dennis testimonial photo

Joslin Romphf Dennis

JRD Voice Studio

My voice biz has changed so profoundly since I joined SECO in 2019, I almost don’t recognize myself! Like many teachers, I had a pretty decent, evolving handle on my pedagogical tools, and I was sure trying like heck to up-level my business, but beyond super intense studio policies, I was stuck.

Being exposed to such a diverse group of people, who are running all kinds of studio models in all corners of the globe is such an amazing thing – and it’s also lovely to be able to help others with my own skills that I never knew were of value to anyone else because I’m just…me.

I’m thrilled to be a member of this vibrant crop of mavens, and I truly cannot recommend the work Michelle does highly enough. What are you waiting for? Come play with us!

What's Included In Your Membership

The SpeakEasy Cooperative® was built so that small business owners from every price point and market could invest a very small percentage of monthly revenue back into their own business, education, and co-working space.

Up to Five Continuing Education Opportunities a Month

Access to Member's Only IN PERSON Retreats and Masterminds


Open Studios & Collaborative Lessons

Book Clubs and CoWorking Hours

Knowledge Drops & Truth Bombs from the Team

Access to Exclusive High-Touch Programs

Member's Directory

Email and Policy Templates

Sales and Marketing Tools

Curated Community

But wait! There’s more!

Your investment of $99 per month goes toward things like:

Live Zoom Training, Consulting, and Coaching Services

At least three times a month we dig into the nitty-gritty of running a business.

These targeted training sessions include a robust Q&A, so you have an opportunity to ask all the questions you need as you hone your skills. (YEP! It’s real time business coaching that’s included in your membership!)

Learn from (and teach!) your fellow SpeakEasy Cooperative Bootleggers on their areas of interest and expertise.

Live Group Coaching is scheduled several times throughout the year. Get 1:1 coaching from Michelle and other members of the team for an extremely low additional fee.

Can’t be there live? No worries. We record!

There are over 125 training videos in the Member’s Training Library ready for you to view or listen at a time that’s best for YOU.

    Decrease lone wolf syndrome with over 30 opportunities a year to meet in real time over Zoom so that you can be connected to real people in real time.

    We cover topics like:

      • Marketing and Sales without the ick
      • Client Centered Coaching and Teaching Modalities
      • Pricing, Money Mindset, and Budgeting
      • Self Loyal Productivity and Time Management
      • Creating Policies and Procedures that Honor Agency

      Exclusive Access to SECO Curated Programs and Experiences

      We know not everyone needs the same level of support and have created options so that you get just the right amount of support you need.

      A plethora of programs and opportunities exclusively for members to take advantage of… or not!

      Members are invited to an even higher level of accountability, business development, and support.

      Here are just a few of the small group intensives SECO members use to really amp up their personal and business development. We can tell you all about these programs once you’re inside!

      • How to Run Your Biz Without Hating Your Boss Business Accelerator
      • MTS (Multi-Teacher Studio) TapRoom for Team Based Businesses
      • SECOLive Mastermind and Retreat Weekends
      • VIPRoom Weekly Intensive Mastermind (by invitation only)

      Daily Hangouts in the actual SpeakEasy Cooperative (Slack Workspace* and Private FB Group)

      SECO is always open! This is where we dig deep and get to work.

      Our very own Slack workspace* allow us to have ongoing asynchronistic conversation. You can ask questions by topic, post article PDFs, join the book club, attend open studios, and share your own videos.

        Do you have no idea what Slack is? Don’t worry, we’ll teach you!”

        The Facebook Group Lobby is for saying hello and how-do-you-do and all that jazz. Um, yes, pun totally intended. Not open to the public.

        Bring your GIF’s.

        Regular Knowledge Drops + Truth Bombs from your BeastyBoss Team

        We aren’t like other groups, where the leaders and facilitators hardly show up.

        We get all up in your business (literally!) with our combined 80+ years of experience as teachers, managers, coaches, and mentors. We curate relevant, up-to-date, vetted content about running your voice business, big or small – and we regularly drop that wisdom into the group.

          Whether you are asking about pricing, business models and fee structures, or how to answer that one tricky email, we show up regularly Monday through Friday, so that you can get the information you need to do what you need to do for your life and business with grace and grit.

          Our Favourite Perk

          A society of folks with buy-in, ready to invest in growing each other, and offer their expertise.

          Honest advice, no judgment, all love.

          People who choose to learn to believe the best in you, support your goals, share your big hairy situations, and have been around the block enough times to tell you that you’ve got what it takes when this ish gets hard.

            Being an entrepreneur is lonely. Being an indy voice person is lonely. Put that together and it’s a lot of lonely. The research behind what happens when groups come together for a common goal and mission is clearer than Pepsi circa 1992.

            The SpeakEasy Cooperative®

            hand pointing right

            The SpeakEasy Cooperative® is for you.

            Literally. I made it for you.

            You are…

            Very good at what you do AND looking to learn what to say so that everyone else knows about how good you are, too!

            Love people deeply AND want to write more clear guidelines around your business so that people pleasing and codependency take a backseat to hospitality.

            Not new to having people pay you AND very new to having them pay you the right rate for the right offer at the right time so that you are a better teacher or coach or service provider.

            Overwhelmed by all you have to do AND ready to determine what to let go of using wisdom and savvy so that your plans actually happen.

            Making money AND ready to make MORE money so that your mission and core values can be made manifest in your corner of the sky.

            You’re a business owner who has some connection to the voice world – a voice teacher, an original artist, some other kind of teacher, you’re a bodyworker, a web designer for voice teachers, a Speech Language Pathologist or Speech and Language Therapist, an accountant with a whole lotta voice business clients. Shoot! Maybe you have a good friend who is a voice teacher, and you just wanna soak up the mojo!

            We are all voice peeps, deep down. And no matter your connection to voice-peeping, you are welcome here.


            The fantastic things our members have to say about us will simply knock your socks right off your feet.

            Jerry Elsbernd

            Jerry Elsbernd

            Elsbernd Voice Studio

            These are MY PEOPLE – smart, funny, supportive, pushy (in a good way), and most of all, in this voice teaching business together…and I mean TOGETHER. I am inspired, awe-struck, better informed on many things learning and business related, and ready to implement the steps toward becoming more specific and intentional with my career and life.

            Photograph of Nicky McGrath holding a microphone up close and looking into the camera.

            Nicky McGrath

            The Singers’ Circle

            After less than a month of being part of The Speakeasy Cooperative and working with Michelle, I am feeling a sense of calm and connectedness. It’s been a game-changing decision for my business, and for me. I hadn’t realized just how much I missed having colleagues and BOOM – here they are. Lots of them. With so much collective wisdom.

            A photo of Natalie Huggins.

            Natalie Huggins

            Miss Natalie’s Piano & Vocal Studio/The Songwriter’s Process

            SECO has dramatically changed my life. I can’t even believe the life I am living. I have learned how to balance teaching, boundaries, self-care, and my own art from all the content and coaching you provide. I am forever grateful I joined and the benefits will last a lifetime.

            Got Questions? We have answers!

            Frequently Asked Questions:

            How do I join?

            Easy! Enter your info and pay your first month and the sign up fee. This sets off our fancy process to get you onboarded so you can access all the resources.

            What happens after I join?

            You will get several emails – check for them in your spam/promo/junk folders if you don’t see them within an hour. These emails will ask you to change your password (do this!) and provide links to join the Slack Workspace and Private Facebook group. (Once you join the FB group, look out for something special ;))

            One of our Bootlegger Buddies will reach out to you so that you have a fellow member (in addition to the team!) to connect with to answer questions or point you in the direction of where to find answers you may need.

            Our Community Manager will reach out to you to have you schedule your complimentary “How do you SECO?” Session

            You will be firehosed with love and information – don’t worry! We’ll help you sort it all out!

            How much "should" members participate?

            We don’t believe in shoulds. There are no expectations about how often you engage or how you take advantage of the provided resources. We LOVE seeing members on Zoom and answering questions in the group — AND we equally love our lurkers and those who are learning behind the scenes.

            I need A LOT of support… will I get it here?

            Define “A LOT” 😃… The SpeakEasy Cooperative is a community that is mostly DIY, with group support and several opportunities for in real time person-to-person guidance.

            If you’re looking for a specific structure, regular coaching, and consistent feedback, then we encourage you to join the How to Run Accelerator or book 1:1 coaching sessions with a team member.

            I’m not very tech-savvy, is SECO still right for me?

            Maybe, maybe not. Are you willing to learn? Dig around and spend time learning new systems and tools? Then yes, we are here to facilitate that learning as much as we can!

            However – if you are a self-proclaimed “Luddite” and have no interest in learning new tech, SECO will be difficult for you to participate in. Basic tech skills are required; a penchant for troubleshooting is even better.

            How can I find out more about your core values?

            If you are curious to know more about our company values, we invite you to visit the “Our Core Values” page.

            Do I have to join Facebook / Slack?

            No. There is PLENTY to sift through just on the member’s dashboard and library training areas. Still, we highly encourage you to join Slack and/or FB because the resource of conversation is invaluable.

            Having a place to discuss (or watch others discuss!) what you are learning and working out is essential for spiral learning and learning growth cycles.

            Do I need to be an independent voice teacher?

            NOPE! Our throughline is that we are connected to voice in some way or another – so active performers, singer/songwriters, creativity coaches, bodyworkers, therapists, SLP’s, web designers, accountants, social media managers, piano/djembe/violin/flute/didgeridoo teachers, people with a voice teacher friend… are all a part of SECO. If you’ve been connected to the voice world at some point in your life, you are welcome here.

            Many of our resources are focused on voice teaching and multi-teacher studios. However, we take great pride in the fact that our work can be applied to most service-based businesses. We serve both brick and mortar AND online businesses. Yes, there is a difference.

            And if you’re in academia and worried you won’t fit in? FIE, I SAY! We want you here, 1000000%!!! What you’ll learn here is translatable to yourself, your students, and your institution. We have many members who are full-time academics, adjuncts, and in administration. It’s a vibe.

            I run a Multi Teacher Studio, can my teachers (employees) join? (group rate?)

            Yes! Please contact Michelle to discuss any bespoke plans for your entire team.

            Is there a long-term commitment?

            Not unless you want there to be one! The SpeakEasy Cooperative bills month to month. Come when you can, leave when you must! You can cancel your membership at any time.

            What is your refund policy?

            The SpeakEasy Cooperative monthly membership doesn’t offer refunds – if you cancel, you won’t be refunded, but you will have full access to all resources until the end of your monthly billing cycle.

            Michelle Markwart Deveaux posing at SECO Live 2022

            Who’s in charge of this gin joint? Me.

            I’m Michelle Markwart Deveaux.

            I’m a CEO, public speaker, teacher, frequent podcast guest, workshop leader, author, singer, spouse of a REAL HANDSOME DUDE and mom of two FANTASTICALLY EXASPERATING kiddos.


            When I’m not making big decisions, overseeing programs, supporting the team, and figuring out all the ways we can implement The SpeakEasy Cooperative’s mission and vision, I run SECO’s parent company, FaithCultureKiss Studios for Voice & Acting, LLC.

            I started The SpeakEasy Cooperative® because I firmly, adamantly, and passionately believe:

            A rising tide lifts all ships

            I changed my entire business model to be in alignment with that statement, because it’s a core value.


            Meet the Team

            SECO Team SECO Live 2022
            The SpeakEasy Cooperative primary logo

            The SpeakEasy Cooperative®

            See you inside!

            Amy Morrison headshot for SECO testimonial.

            Amy Morrison

            The Effervescent Voice Academy

            SECO has been an absolute GODSEND for my business. Before SECO, I was a good voice teacher. Now I am a business owner, growing in my confidence daily.

            I have Policies & Procedures, I know who my Ideal Client is, I have Offers, I am about to open a multi-teacher studio, and I know how to talk to an employment lawyer about what I want. I know what my strengths are- and to my surprise, I am gifted to be an entrepreneur! (Who knew? I thought I was just good at music.)

            SECO has helped me organize the spaghetti in my brain, helping me grow in confidence and skills. No more “starving artist” mentality for me.

            A photograph headshot of M.J. Johnson with her purple logo that has "M.J." written inside it.

            M.J. Johnson

            M.J. Johnson Voice Studio

            Joining the Speakeasy Cooperative gave me the tools and the support that I needed to transform my studio! There is a wealth of information and guidance available in the group both for my voice studio as a business and for me as a teacher. I’m so grateful to have found this fantastic community!

            Miki Rebeck photo for testimonial

            Miki Rebeck

            Miki Rebeck Voice Studio

            SECO is such a nurturing, stimulating atmosphere. I had never thought of work as something I could enjoy, but in SECO everyone loves their work, and now I do too!

            Still not convinced? Take the quiz.

            Let's get started!