Running an arts based small business
just went supernova.
You’re more than just another creative business owner in the arts.
You’re a revolutionary.


Good Golly, do I SEE you,
Musician-artist-teacher-body-working-voice-loving-holycowcreative business owner. ( A true multihyphenate indeed, whew! )
I know in my nuggets that some (or all ) of this describes you:

The SpeakEasy Cooperative®
Michelle Markwart Deveaux

Michelle Markwart Deveaux
Good Golly, do I SEE you,
Musician-artist-teacher-body-working-voice-loving-holycowcreative business owner. ( A true multihyphenate indeed, whew! )
I know in my nuggets that some (or all ) of this describes you:

Everything in your music studio or gigging life or coaching business is… fine, I guess
You’ve got clients; folks are buying what you offer. Sometimes at too fast a pace. You’re booking gigs. You’re coaching folks and doing the thing. It’s a slog, but at least it’s not totally [insert swear words].
Yet if you’re honest with yourself…
your clients and offers bring you money, but they don’t bring you joy. You aren’t at peace. You’re wondering when it’s all gonna fall apart because you’re scraping by or you’re hustling and your nerves are shot.
And if you’re 3-AM-level honest with yourself?
You’re pretty sure it’s not worth the mental energy it takes to work with clients who can’t or won’t pay, or disrespect you or your staff. You are overworked, overwhelmed, and under-resourced. That’s one part yikes and one part true.
You’ve got a beautiful collection of planners,
each lovingly decorated (with washi tape even!), yet those projects never seem to get done because on the inside you’d rather have a vocal hemorrhage than plan. Because it’s boring. Or too terrifying to fail.
You are so over the toxic positivity of RALLY RALLY LITTLE SALLY.
If one more well meaning friend sends you one more link to purchase a shabby chic repurposed wood pallet sign that says live laugh love…
The SpeakEasy Cooperative® for $99/mo
For you, the solution to these creative and artistic entrepreneur problems cannot and will not be predatory marketing and sales, bullshit pushy copy, undercharging out of “niceness,” or passive-aggressive communications.
As a business owner in the arts, you understand that running a business that serves all kinds of creatives takes more than policy enforcement, revenue generation, and equating time with money.
You’re seeking an understanding of how to generously serve your voice and music students, teacher/coaching/web design clients, favorite venues, and/or your fans with integrity while maintaining boundaries and staying aligned with your Core Values.
It’s what we call radical hospitality.
You’re in the right place.

When we cut through the noise, we get straight to the hell-yes heart of concrete action steps—and the planets align, the path is clear, and your inner business BeastyBoss™ ENTREPRENEUR is unleashed.
Hi, I’m Michelle Markwart Deveaux. I’m the CEO here. I’m a creative. A singer. A voice maven. A mentor. A business strategist and consultant. Shoot, I’m even a little bit motivational speaker.
I’m a potent cocktail – equal parts divine woo and get your shit done, with a no-bullshit paper umbrella and an organic maraschino cherry on top. Mwah.

There are no more quick fixes here. You’ve tried that. Sure, it helped at first—but like a caffeine high wearing off at 3pm, you’re left in a slump with a post-buzz headache and a longing for a cheap bottle of wine to wash away the day.
Permission granted to ditch that Tuesday night wine and open the good stuff reserved for holidays, because you are now celebrating instead of complaining.
When you work with us, you start building a sustainable (and, stay with me, life-giving) arts business—by tending to your soul as much as you tend to the marketing, systems, and the to-do lists.
The SpeakEasy Cooperative® for $99/mo
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When you ground yourself around an inspired set of goals, you can finally gather your glitter and electricity to condense it all into a supernova of change—allowing you to run your arts-based or creative business with tenacity, savvy, and radical hospitality.