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How to Run Your Business Without Hating Your Boss Accelerator 2025


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The How to Run Your Business Without Hating Your Boss Accelerator

A ten-month take-control-and-get-it-done commitment for voice related and service-based business owners who are ready to finally get out of their own way, wake up with a plan, and run their business without hating their boss.

A group photo screenshot of the final coaching session of 2024 for the H2RA (How to Run Your Business without Hating Your Boss) program.

You are very good at serving people

and the things related to

creative humans, singers and voice users.

You are getting good at owning a business. We’ve met one on one. You’ve been to group coaches. You’re even a member of The SpeakEasy Cooperative®. Or maybe you’ve engaged via social media, or a recent conference or workshop, or listening to a podcast. Point is – there’s something there that you’re ready to explore about yourself, in terms of your business, and you think this may be the place to do it.

Your business is in a place where you are close to taking control of your schedule, brand, systems, and pricing. Yet your business model and your mindset is in a place where you need some specific help reframing and normalizing things like higher price points, specific ideal client avatars, letting go of people and offers, writing sales pages, and saying yes to your best self.

Michelle Beasty Boss with orange background

The team at The SpeakEasy Cooperative® has got you covered and is ready to keep you committed.

We see the gap.

We created the How to Run Accelerator for those who own service based businesses that intersect with the arts and the human voice, such as voice studios, music studios, SLP practices, website designers who work with artists, bodyworkers, coaches, and adjactent businesses, who are working through the processes of re-imagining or starting up their business, want a solid foundation of clients to build with, and who want more structured interaction around knowledge gaps in business development.

In the H2R Accelerator, together we will:

In the H2R Accelerator, together we will:

Gain freedom from the constant wildly-gesturing-around-the-room-and-thinking “What the heck do I do next?”

Create brave offers that lead to the compounding growth of risk muscles, self-awareness, and bank accounts.
Confidently and powerfully brand, market, and yes – SELL the most mission and values driven services yet to date.
Fall in love with clients all over again.

How H2R Accelerator (H2RA) works:

The H2RA is a ten month group experience built around  our BeastyBoss™ Framework.

It’s what happens when the BeastyBoss™ Framework joins with the best parts of masterminding, coaching, and support so you don’t have to worry about being alone in getting done what you’re fired up to get done.

H2RA is opening this year with limited availability so that every member has access to individualized attention.


Find shared story and experience from those who are also in a place of wrestling, re-visioning, and clarifying.


Learn those elusive basics of business ownership, like how to write an ideal client avatar and its sub-avatars, how to develop offers that fit them, write standard operating procedures, develop the new brand, be sure your money is in order, and price effectively and meet your ideal clients where they are.


Co-work and get group centered coaching in a structured and regular way, opening ourselves up to take “didn’t get around to it” out of our vocabulary. We will teach you how to plan.

H2RA is for those who want a balance of self-guided work, scheduled check-ins, and dedicated eyes on the new systems, procedures, terms and conditions/policies, offers, and business model they are implementing.

We begin on April 1, 2025.

We will meet over Zoom on the first, second, and third Tuesdays;

April 1, 2025 through January 21, 2026.

  • Classes will be held from 9am-11am Pacific.
  • Group Coaching will be held from 9am-11am Pacific.
  • Co-working is planned by you and your cohort.
hand pointing right

Celebrating 🎉

This year, I decided to raise my rates for current clients by 25%, and to use this year to practice selling to new clients at a much higher rate.

My studio is full for the year, with 10 new students who have come in at a rate $100/month higher than my new students last year.

That means I’m set to earn $1600/month more than last year (which is HUGE for me!!), but even more so, my belief that people value what I have to offer and that this is even a possibility for me has grown. When I rip the bandaid for my legacy clients next year, I feel comfortable knowing I have a cushion of clients who are already paying the higher rate to keep me afloat when (undoubtedly) there is a mass exodus of legacy clients.

I feel so much peace, excitement and gratitude.SO. MUCH. GRATITUDE. For H2RA, and all the amazing people who make it happen, and to all of you in the trenches with me.

Thank you. 🙏

Aliah Elliot

Music Mindfully

A little reflection: Just had a moment this morning where I was deciding what to do with an Initial Fit that hasn’t paid and literally said to myself “This is your fault because you didn’t have a good system to deal with this.” It’s now on my to-do list to make a better system, and that feels a lot better than panicking about how to handle this particular situation.

I was admittedly skeptical about this module, but thinking about systems (and their blind spots) feels a lot less judgmental and self-deprecating and much more actionable than keeping it in my brain and making it up as I go along. As has happened many times over this program, H2RA has converted me from skeptic to believer.

Alex Taylor

Alex Taylor Voice

Participating in H2RA has been a year of change for me, most particularly in my mindset. I love to teach, and always kinda wished the business end of things would look after itself.

This program got me thinking about why I am a business owner, who I want to work with, what fuels my passion, and who I best serve. It gave me the confidence to look at both the big vision, and the nitty gritty.

There is a lot of work ahead for me, AND I’m moving forward with confidence, knowing the questions to ask, and how to sort out my own answers. Absolutely worth the investment.

Diane Spears

Diane Spears Voice Studio:

The How to Run Your Business Without Hating Your Boss

Accelerator Monthly Modules

Cast the Show


Understanding Ideal Clients and Why They Matter

Develop the skill to understand those who will be best served by your unique abilities and artistry.

Answer questions like:

  • What the heck is an ideal client avatar?
  • I think I have more than one… what should I do?
  • Should I have multiple IC’s for multiple offers?
  • What questions do I ask to figure this out?
H2RA May Offers 2022

Compose Your Opus


Your Offers and How to Structure Them

Create your offer(s) and understand their ecosystem. Price properly and discover fee structures that build sustainability.

Answer questions like:


  • Are packages and programs best? How about tuition, subscriptions, pay per service? Memberships? WHAT SHOULD MY BUSINESS OFFER?
  • What are all those things, really, anyway?

  • Would multiple revenue streams be right for me?
  • What could I create if I was convinced it would sell?
  • I’m going to create a more passive income model… where do I start?
H2RA June General Business setup, payment gateways and scheduler

Negotiate the Gig


General Business Set Up and Pricing for Generosity

Setting up your business entity, understanding the legal basics, and determining financial needs.

Answer questions like:

  • Should I be a sole proprietor, LLC, S-Corp, or C-Corp?
  • How do I know what to price my offers?
  • How do I price my offers in order to provide the best value for my clients and keep my business running well?
  • How do I really create a budget and then stick to it?
  • I don’t live in the USA, what should I consider, financially speaking?
  • Should I take out this business loan?


An elderly redhead woman with eyeglasses texting on phone.

Stalk Your Inner Sage


Know Yourself to Know Your Business: Wisdom, Core Values, Strengths

Learn the science and art of decision making, discover your core values, and leverage your CliftonStrengths.

Answer questions like:

  • I get stuck spinning over on decisions, is there any way to break free of this?
  • How do I communicate what my studio is really about?
  • What should I do about my need to always be achieving?
  • I want to be a savvy and wise person… how can I make that happen?
  • Why are core values important, anyway?
  • Are my personal core values different than those of my business?
H2RA August 2022 Seize

Seize the C.R.A.Y.


Getting Clear on Our Responsibilities So We Develop Clear Policies and Terms that Align with the Mission and Vision

Explore healthy boundary setting, stellar policy creation, terms and conditions creation and client communication with a clear understanding of personal responsibility.

Answer questions like:

  • How do I create stellar mission and vision statements? Why bother?
  • How do I stop my boundaries from being pushed all the time?
  • Why don’t my clients understand how to work with me and what is appropriate?
  • UGH! My policies are a hodgepodge, how can I make them clear, concise, and understandable?
  • What is my responsibility when it comes to my client’s success?


H2RA September 2022 (Commit

Commit to Courage


Branding Your Business with Integrity

Understanding branding and its key elements.

Answer questions like:

  • What is a brand, in reality, and how do I determine it?
  • Are personal brands a real thing?
  • What should I think about as I create a brand?
  • Which colors, typefaces, design elements should I use, and why?
  • What should my logo look like?
  • Should I even HAVE a logo?


H2RA October: Effective time and energy management systems

Do Yourself a Favor


Effective Time and Energy Management and Systems

Effective time and energy management using systems, operating procedures, and tools.

Answer questions like:

  • My time always feels stolen from me, how can I take back my schedule?
  • Why do I always underestimate how long something is going to take me, and how do I get more accurate?
  • Which software tools are the right software tools for me and my business?
  • How can I protect my mental capacity while still growing my business?
A big woman working on computer taking notes on paper

Make Way for the Star


Marketing and Sales

Create a marketing plan and execute it in a way that aligns with your strengths, business model, and sales goals.

Answer questions like:

  • Do I have to be on social media to market?
  • What’s the difference between discovery, nurture, and conversion marketing?
  • How do I ethically market in a world full of swarmy?
  • What is the difference between sales and marketing, really?
  • How can I develop sales scripts that aren’t icky or manipulative?
H2RA December: Working with a team and how to do that well.

Raise Up Warriors


Working with a Team and How to Do That Well

How to hire team members, build team culture, and become a great manager of humans.

Answer questions like:

  • How do I know when it’s time to hire someone?
  • What really goes into the hiring process?
  • Should I hire an independent contractor or an employee?
  • Should I start a multi-teacher studio? What about another team-based business?
  • What does it mean to be a good manager?


H2RA January: Wrapping up.

That’s a Wrap


Wrapping Things Up

We spend this last month celebrating accomplishments (yes, you have to), answering any questions that are still left to be addressed, crossing I’s and dotting T’s, and coming up with the next steps after your graduation from the program!

H2RA has completely changed my business and life. I now have an understanding about the business side of owning an independent voice studio and it has given me tremendous confidence. At first, I was nervous to work with a group of voice teachers. However, I found community which supported difficult decisions in moving forward with my business.

If not for this class, the community and the incredible team coaching, I would still be stuck. I wish this class was offered years ago when I first opened my studio.

Pilar Morgan

Vocal Intensive Studios NY

As a solo business owner, many days can be lonely and confusing. H2RA has given me a group of other voice-related business owners that I can talk to, lean on, and encourage as we work to build businesses that are not only profitable, but are changing the industry.

The guidance provided through the H2RA program and the fantastic coaches helped me to look carefully and deeply at all aspects of my business so that I can build it the way I want it. It would have taken me many more years and many, many more tears of frustration before I could have learned this on my own. My cohort is amazing, and I’m so excited to see how they grow and share with them how my own business grows in the years to come..

Dr. Heather Nelson


The first Tuesday

of each month will be class. Information, education, and filling in the knowledge gaps.

The second Tuesday

of each month will be Co-Working with your Cohort. (Psst…The Team loves to pop into these occasionally to say hi and answer questions!)

The third Tuesday

of each month will be a touch base we’ll use it for masterminding and group coaching – answering any questions that come up in the two weeks of homework and workbooks.

Emphasis on Self-Loyalty over Hustle Culture

Take a break, go to conferences, and enjoy vacations. If you skip something, there is no penalty. We’ll help you get caught up.

Group Led Co-Working Hours

I am going to teach you how to lead productive co-working sessions, and members will take turns being responsible for leading them. You can self facilitate as many as you like! Even if you can’t hop onto co-working hours on the fly, you’ll have the second Tuesday of each month dedicated to your progress.

We’ll use a dedicated Slack Workspace (not just a channel)

You’ll receive a special link to a Slack Workspace dedicated to our cohort alone. (We will teach you how to use this if you are not yet familiar – you’re gonna be a pro!)

Each H2RA member will commit to checking this Slack Workspace several times a week

and keeping a spirit of joyful support, curiosity, and accountability. You’ll be posting your questions, wins, your updates, and your support of others.


Private Coaching

We all have those questions that a few moments of inspired attention will solve. You will have access to up to three optional complimentary 1:1 coaching sessions, to be used with any one of our stellar coaches or consultants.

Amy Mushall testimonial photo
Amy Mushall
The WholeHearted Singer
“H2RA is a game-changer for how I run my biz, how I look at the value I provide, and how I am living into my values as a human, teacher, and biz owner. Having 10 months to stew in this work and dig deep into what kind of business I want to create – with the support of the SECO team and the cohort of people going on this journey with me – has given me the tools to continue honing my message, refining my offers, and the courage to reach out to others to ask for help when I need it.

The coaching provided is the perfect blend of asking the hard questions, holding my hand (or the tissues) when facing big, hard feelings, and giving me the tools to keep moving forward – even if it’s not perfect.

I’m sad to “graduate” the program (I LOVE INPUT!) – but excited to continue dreaming, implementing, and coaching with Michelle, Sara, and Christin – and also continue getting support in SECO and with my cohort. This is just one part of my journey that is running MY business. It will continue to evolve as I do. Now I feel like I have the structure and tools to support me along the way.

Also – Can I say that including the Clifton Strengths work and the two coaching sessions were so beneficial?

I have more clarity in WHY I do what I do because of the Clifton Strengths work. It allows me to be more patient and kind to myself when certain aspects show up as “problems”. I now see that I need certain tools to deal with the “dark” sides of my strengths – and can lean into the positive aspects and celebrate them!”

We strive to model what we have found works well. Therefore, you’ll find there will be closures throughout the program. We will not meet due to holidays, conferences, rest, and recuperation. Dates of closures will be provided.

We would love to see you each time we meet. We also know that you need to do what you need to do, so if we don’t see you, that’s fine. Again, it’s wise to take breaks.


  • Recordings of classes and group coaching will be available on our website, so if you have to miss, you’ll be able to catch up. Office hours and Co-Working hours will not be recorded.
  • Workbooks will be provided for each class module.
Teamwork picture of stacking hands to work together.

Our Etiquette

Being in a small group will be one of the most transformative and powerful experiences of your life. In order to make the most of our collective amazingness, we come to the H2RA in the same way that we do in all The SpeakEasy Cooperative® offers – with a framework that leads our conversations.

Discussions at H2RA are based on individuals sharing their personal observations and experiences – not full of “should-based” advice or coaching without consent.

We honor and embrace that we all come to the H2RA with many varied experiences, stories, and powerful sets of skills and expertise.

Your knowledge is coveted here, and we know that you bring savvy, spunk, and wisdom to the table. Sometimes, with so many powerful humans in one space, it can get tricky to navigate conversation and to feel we are contributing in a beneficial and healthy way– a way that respects others’ mental and emotional boundaries.

You have a TON to share and teach us and you want to create a culture that values collaboration and agency.

With this is mind, here is our framework:

This is always invited to be part of the conversation:

    Your own experiences as a human, creator, and business owner: we value your transparency, vulnerability, and cleverness

    Your own experience working with customers or clients: we value the examples of problem-solving and execution you can offer

    Your observations of the market: we value seeing things through your eyes and the patterns that you’re noticing

    Your experiences and observations as a consumer: we value your life-long experience as someone who buys stuff!

    Your questions: we value your curiosity

    This is okay to add with explicit consent (i.e. just ask!):

      Your expertise: sometimes it’s absolutely appropriate to share your knowledge and skills once you’ve asked the person who will receive it if that’s the kind of feedback or support they’re open to.

      Your monologue-ing: H2RA isn’t the type of group that is here to listen to everything you’ve already figured out for yourself. We are here to get messy and muddy.

      Never okay:

        Centering: Centering ourselves in a conversation isn’t the best way to let others know that they are heard. There is a fine line between offering “what works for me” and “I’m making this about me”.

        Solicitation: while we totally support our members doing business with each other, it’s never okay to approach another member to sell them your services without first being invited to… and no DMing proposals or links to services or offers.

        Passive Aggression: While we don’t imagine hurtful things to occur between members, if an offense occurs, we expect members to speak with one another kindly and directly with honesty, humility, and the expectation of resolution.

        Harassment or bullying: while it might seem obvious, it’s worth saying explicitly that harassment & bullying is never tolerated.

        The SECO Team works hard to create inclusive offers at all levels of the company.


        This gathering is no different. We honor our differences and invite all group members to bring their full identities to the table.

        We expect every group member to contribute to creating an environment that empowers everyone to participate, values our different experiences and backgrounds, works to combat colonization and harmful cultural conditioning, and improves our overall wellbeing as individuals.

        We expect there to be moments of discomfort and we expect each member to be responsive instead of reactive when discomfort occurs.

        My friend Tara said it best, so I will share a quote from her:

        “While explicit rules like this can feel awkward at first, we’ve found that they help create a more inclusive, dynamic, and—ultimately—effective conversation that we can all learn and grow from.”


        H2RA is facilitated by The SpeakEasy Cooperative Team and overseen by Michelle Markwart Deveaux.

        Why are you a Good Fit for H2RA?

        To help clarify, here are the specific examples of the type of people H2RA is right for:

        You have been in and/or around the BeastyBoss™ mindset and you like it. You’ve been in The SpeakEasy Cooperative® (SECO) for a while, or have learned from the team in other ways outside SECO, and have begun the work around your business already – yet some of it feels like baby steps.

        You know that you need structure and process to chew on and implement concepts. You’re ready to dedicate that time and mental energy.

        You work well alone overall, but also want to feel part of a shared experience for accountability and purpose.

        You’re seriously ready to learn about all the “missing links”. You’ve pieced together what you can from your own research and work, and now it’s time to be in an environment where you can bring it all together with timelines and action items laid out for you.

        If any of those sound similar to who you are right now, and gathering with folks who are in these same space feels like the perfect solution, H2RA is right for you.

        A reminder…

        H2RA was created for business owners who have experience with their expertise… yet have not learned or implemented the general principles of running a business, like developing an ideal client avatar, money management, branding, or marketing and sales.

        The How to Run Your Businesses Without Hating Your Boss Accelerator is also for those who do have experience with the concepts of business ownership, yet have not implemented what they have learned in their desired timeline.

        You do not need to be a voice teacher to join SECO and H2RA. We created H2RA for anyone who owns service-based businesses. This includes folks like independent coaches in various fields, web designers, teachers, singer-songwriters, new multi-teacher voice studio owners, bodyworkers, and other voice-adjacent businesses.

        We created H2RA for those who are working through the processes of re-imagining or starting up their business, want to have a foundation of clients to build with, and who are seeking to develop themselves and the next version of their work.

        When I’m in doubt, I know I can count on this team to help me. Their honesty and dependability help me navigate hard things I would not want to do alone.

        The guidance and community has been essential to the success of my work.

        Danielle Tucker

        Founder, Pandemic Proof Singer

        Being exposed to such a diverse group of people, who are running all kinds of studio models in all corners of the globe is such an amazing thing – and it’s also lovely to be able to help others with my own skills that I never knew were of value to anyone else because I’m just…me.

        Joslin Romphf Dennis

        JRD Voice Studio

        Without the encouragement and the hard truth/love, I wouldn’t have taken the leap and gone out on my own. I would still be working for a boss that brought out the worst in me.

        I’m so much happier and I’m taking calculated risks to benefit myself and my future.

        Elizabeth Barry

        Elizabeth Barry Voice Studio

        Your experience starts with

        hand pointing right

        We need to know your hopes, your fears, your commitment, and you need to know our commitment to you, how we will navigate the investment, and if you’re going to be a good fit for the group.

        The Investment

        Participating in H2RA is a 4-part investment.

        There’s the investment of time you’re making for yourself and your business. Participating in sessions, sharing support in our private Slack Workspace, and holding yourself accountable to the outcomes of breakouts and group coaching and planning sessions.

        There’s the relational investment you’re making in the others in the group. You’ll get the best results from H2RA when you set the intention to not just show up for yourself but to show up for others too. A rising tide raises all ships.

        There’s the feedback investment you’ll give to the team. Since we limited the number of people in each cohort, we are pricing this at the minimum cost to deliver the program. We use every iteration as an exploration of what works best for the current market, how it serves, and where we can make it better. You’ll be offering feedback throughout the program so that we are meeting your needs within the scope of program. If you enjoy being part of creating great things, this is definitely for you.

        And then, of course, there’s the financial investment.

        The financial investment for this high touch, intensive, ten-month experience is $6200.
        If a payment plan is best for you, we can discuss this on your call.

        At The SpeakEasy Cooperative®, forcing people into one payment option for higher ticket programs like this is out of alignment with our core values.

        We are 100% open to pay in full and payment plans for this program.

        Here are some examples of payment options others have chosen:

        $6200 pay in full upon signing up
        $620/mo for ten months
        $1035/mo for six months
        $2500 upon signing up then $370/mo for ten months
        $3000 upon signing up then $320/mo for ten months

        For those who this program is right for, we will find a way.

        Getting Started




        Book your call to discuss details.


        Once we’ve had our call, and determined your payment options, you will be sent a scope of service and agreement.


        You will receive a link according to your payment option.


        We’ll invite you into the private Slack Workspace.


        On Tuesday, April 2 at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern/6pm BST, we’ll host our first session on Understanding Ideal Clients and Why They Matter (Cast the Show). We will also lay the framework for the next ten months together.


        If you are not already a member, you will be required to join The SpeakEasy Cooperative. ($99/mo.) This is because much of your homework will require watching and engaging with content that is part of SECO and you will have greater access to the team and former participants.

        Amy Mushall testimonial photo

        Christine Menschner
        Christine Menschner Voice Lessons

        H2RA changed drastically how I am running my studio – in the most positive way. It gave me so much more clarity: who do I want to serve, when and how. H2RA taught me what questions to ask and that there is no right or wrong but choices that I can make depending on where my business is at this particular stage.

        The support of Michelle, her team and my fellow colleagues was invaluable. Finally, I could get answers to my many questions. I felt empowered, inspired and hopeful after every session.

        We are thrilled to serve those business owners who desire a combination of information, support, and feedback, and are ready to take the time to implement with excellence and intention.