Making a Masterpiece Week 1: Inspect

The work of learning new material is daunting, especially on a time crunch. How can we get from page to stage, ready for performance, with less wasted time? In the work of taking a piece of solid, non-descript, hunk of hardness to, say, The David, a sculptor moves...

Prevention isn’t a pain in the larynx!

Many people’s actions are based in a “fix the damage” mentality, rather than a “prevent the damage” mentality. I believe this is because we are busy, and busy-ness has led to the misconception that prevention is a time stealer. Laughable! The real time stealer is the...

My Voice is just so tired…

We’ve all been there. We are on our way up the professional ladder, and we don’t yet have the luxury of silent days. Life requires talking, and after weeks of rehearsal, we hit tech week. We get stressed out. And then we are swollen, tired, and our stamina is less...