I wrote a thing for myself. A reminder. A manifest. A pep-talk.
I thought you may relate, so decided to share it:
Dear Self (you amazing and delightfully silly and grace-y person, you),
You have a choice. Yes, you.
You have a choice in how your voice works, your studio runs, your biz does its thing.
Some things are 100% out of your control:
- how people react to you
- how people choose to spend their $$
- the weather
- paying taxes~ systemic inequalities brought on by injustice
But many things you say are in your control, actually .
You have this idea that you can’t control:~ the hours of the day you see students/clients~ the money you will make in six months~ the amount of time you spend texting and emailing~ the number of people who will sign up for the webinar, class or workshop you’ll give~ the amount of time you give to ridiculous tasks
But you CAN. I daresay, you MUST, if you really want to feel like you’ve got a handle on your business. On YOU.
Here is the hard truth, Sweet Friend:
Owning a business is hard.
You have to do stuff you don’t like doing in order to get results that you do like getting. <— science!
Is this a year that you’re going to do more of the hard stuff in order to get what you want?
Are you going to reach for the stars, and grab the moon?
Are you going to go deeper into challenging:
- The inaction based on fear (courage = immadoitanyway)
- The belief that your revenue is at the whim of the market
- The belief that your schedule is dictated by others~ The complacency toward those few clients who drive you nutso but you keep around anyway
- The burden of wondering what your life could be
- That gosh darned imposter syndrome
YOU CAN DO THIS THING. I’ve seen you do it before. Time for a Level-Up. Yes, again.
But you’re also going to have to change in order to do it.
Who do you need to become this year to own the biz you want to own? Who do you need to transform into?
You can’t keep doing the same things, and expect different results.You can’t keep wanting without acting.
You can’t keep stopping yourself from growing on the inside, as you will never grow on the outside.
I love you. I am SO PROUD of all you’ve done in 2018. Now, onward. It will be hard. Hell, maybe.
But isn’t it kind of hell now?
Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose which hell.
The hell of staying the same, or the hell of growth?
I know you. I know what you’ll choose. And I’m behind you 100%.

If my call to my best self resonated with you and you’d like to join me on this journey, please PLEEEEEEASE let me know.
Email me at hey@faithculturekiss.com and I or one of my team will get you to the right place to join us in our journey.
Really ready to just jump? The SpeakEasy Cooperative or How to Run Your Voice Biz Without Hating Your Boss are other ways to get on the path toward your best self.