Ah, internet marketing advice! How I loathe thee. You tell us we have to write a blog AND do reels AND make daily posts AND network AND have an email list AND, AND, AND.
It’s such a racket. People literally make money off of telling you that you aren’t doing enough, without telling you how marketing actually works, how to measure it, how to quantify it, and how to choose which tactics you will use to do it.
Y’all, I PROMISE: Marketing is measurable and quantifiable.
Marketing is measurable and quantifiable
It starts with the question, “Who am I selling to?” and ends with the question, “How will I measure the results?”
YES! It’s true! There’s an actual step by step process that can be utilized!
Trying to do marketing in a “hey look at me, I exist!” way is frustrating, time consuming, and ambiguous.
Getting people to notice you in hopes that they put two and two together to purchase something from you does not work in this economic climate. Especially with luxury services, which coaching and music lessons are. (Different convo, for later.)
Marketing in a methodical way, with specific desired outcomes, timelines, and predetermined tasks is freeing, efficient, and relatively boring.
Giving clear examples of who you are, what you do, how you do it, and how people can buy from you is a gift to your potential clients, because they don’t have to wade through the noise, and they understand the assignment.
The Art of the Inquiry:
The Secret to Revenue, Relationships, and Retention
Discover each step of the inquiry process and get tangible actions items to implement in your own business right away. GET YOUR COPY HERE.
Understanding Marketing Tactics and Plans
Confusing tactics with plans is an easy mistake to make. We’ve all done it – especially when we aren’t doing a time-based launch and sell something on a year-round or continuous basis, like music lessons/voice lessons/coaching or body work sessions.
With marketing, you need a plan before you can choose the tactics that you’ll use to implement that plan. You have a lot of data to gather before you can execute.
Executing a Marketing Plan vs Executing Tactics
If you’re in a marketing rut, or you feel like you are screaming into the void (UMMM WE ALL DO FROM TIME TO TIME), then go back and ask if you are executing a plan, or if you are executing tactics.
Chances are, you’re simply tactic-ing yourself into oblivion instead of having a plan that you’ve chosen to execute with well measured tactics.
This drives me SO MUCH BUNCHES OF BANANAS that I am including a page from the How to Run Your Biz Without Hating Your Boss program workbook to get you started.
Please notice that determining the tactics is STEP SIX… not step one.
Plan Your Marketing Campaign
Try it! Use the questions and steps from the page below and see if you can come up with an eight week campaign to begin in January.
Then write the team and me and let us know how it goes.
All My BeastyBoss,
P.S.: I’ve got a lot of people asking about 2024’s session of How to Run Your Biz Without Hating Your Boss Accelerator and when they can fill out the application for that.
We will have the 2024 info and sales page up at the end of January 2024, and start taking applications then. Classes will begin April 2, 2024.
In the meantime, if you wanna hear about it first, you can join the H2RA waiting list by booping on over to this page and signing up. Once there, you’ll be able to see the 2023 info.
P.P.S: If you aren’t watching Sara Campbell’s Wednesday FB Lives about marketing, please do.
P.P.P.S: Marketing and sales go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong. Another thing to check is if your sales process can be gussied up. You know, like vocal folds – you need strong cricothyroids AND thyroarytenoids.
P.P.P.P.S: Seriously, do not do any hard work until January. It can wait. Be restful and sit around. Often.