Does your life, or business, ever suck, just when you were getting AWESOME?
Because if you do, you’re not alone. IT IS A THING. Inspired by a brave and daring post I was commenting on within the last week, I was PM’d and asked to talk a little bit about Upper Limiting. A term coined by Gay Hendricks in his book “The Big...
Finding Solutions When Your Studio Isn’t Quite Running Right
We are in charge. If there is something that doesn’t quite fit in the way our studio runs, we can change it. We are in control. We get to make the rules. Here’s a fun game to help you get out of your rut: Write down all the things that make you want to...
Talent is not enough.
This post is for the teachers of voice, and the singers of pop music. I didn’t break it up because I think we need to understand each other a little better, in order to turn the tides of the “chew ’em up and spit ’em out” industry.

It feels DELIGHTFUL to do hard things that scare us.
For about a day and three-quarters. Because WHAT IF?! I mean, really, WHAT the EFF IF?! HEY: Doubt is not fear. Important distinction. Fear is paralyzing, and usually unfounded. When it is founded, it’s telling us some truth about what we need to get wise about. Doubt...
Success: Action & Discipline
Discover how pairing up action and discipline can build trust with your audience and yourself. Learn the secret to consistently taking action and achieving your goals.

Persistence through Struggles and Failures
Struggling to know where to start when you have a ton of work? Journey with me so we may persevere and find success through determination.