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To Get What we Want, we must Seize the C.R.A.Y.

by | Jan 26, 2019 | 0 comments

Category: Technique

Now that it’s January 75th (DEAR GOODNESS MAKE IT STOP!), I offer to you a new mantra:

Seize the C.R.A.Y.

Clear &


About what is



“I wish I would have started planning earlier…” or “I just don’t know how to plan! I get ideas, but then am not sure how to implement.” are statements I’ve heard several times in the last two weeks.
Big Dreams stay Big Dreams without getting clear and taking responsibility.
Without owning what we can control and what we can’t, Big Dreams become guilt-inducing failure nuggets.
They turn into sadness and dirt. It ain’t pretty.

Being voicey and businessy people, we often shift between our inner creative and inner teacher. We want the freedom to do our thing AND the structure and discipline to do it well.

When we Seize the C.R.A.Y, we get clear on what we want, when we want it, and how we’d like to get it.
It offers us the opportunity to take pride and ownership of those Big Dreams, and turn them into Audacious Goals that get us the good stuff.

Digging in that dirt is fun… and gives us insight into where we self-sabotage.

Example from me own lyfe, matey!

I’m Seizing the C.R.A.Y by admitting I need to be more disciplined about when I go to bed/sleep.
When I get to bed/sleep on time, I am refreshed.
When I am refreshed, I enjoy my morning routine.
When I enjoy my morning routine, I have a peaceful day and accomplish my tasks.
When I accomplish my tasks, I feel satisfied.
When I feel satisfied, I am at peace.
When I am at peace, I can get to bed/sleep on time.
(Sounds like If you Give a Mouse a Cookie, doesn’t it?!)

Where do you see yourself shying away from getting clear?
Where do you tend to place the responsibility for your success on others?
And what way can you Seize the C.R.A.Y next week to bring yourself into your best self?

Try it for a week, and write me back and let me know how it went!

All my BeastyBoss,

P.S. I’ll let you know how my re-invigorated sleep routine gets me what I want in a few weeks!
Michelle Markwart Deveaux

Michelle Markwart Deveaux (129)

As CEO of FaithCultureKiss Studios, LLC, I lead underestimated humans through the personal and professional development needed to create successful solo and team-based businesses.

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