by Michelle Markwart Deveaux | May 5, 2022 | Pedagogy, Success
Learn the questions Voice Teachers can ask at the beginning of lessons instead of “How are you?” when you just don’t have the capacity to be a pseudo-therapist for your singer/client (you know those low-key energy vampires) and need some emotional regulation.
by Michelle Markwart Deveaux | Dec 8, 2021 | Business, Technique
Moving your voice studio students from a ten-month, September-May commitment, into a 12-month or annual tuition may be the best way to get back your Summer, reduce your financial stress from June to August, and create a more effective learning environment for your studio.
by Michelle Markwart Deveaux | Jun 24, 2017 | Business
One of my favorite things to do is frolic on the interwebs. I love the community that I have been able to create here, and the true friendships that have been cultivated across time and location. The BEST! It has been noticed, however, that sometimes we have a hard...