Meet the Team

Michelle Markwart Deveaux

Michelle Markwart Deveaux

CEO & CFO / Founder / Lead Consultant and Coach / BeastyBoss


Communication • Connectedness • Individualization • Significance • Restorative

Michelle Markwart Deveaux is the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of FaithCultureKiss Studios™ and Founder of The SpeakEasy Cooperative®. She uses her background as a performer, director, and voice teacher to make running an arts business less annoying and more profitable. As a facilitator, coach, and consultant, she helps those in decision making roles re-discover their generosity and playfulness, while maintaining high standards of integrity, inclusivity, and sustainable business practice.

She’s been featured on podcasts such as The Vocal Lab, What Works, Rebel Therapist, The Women’s Advocate, Dr. Dan’s Voice Essentials, Vocal Fri, The Naked Vocalist, This is a Voice, and more. She is a regular guest on The Full Voice Podcast with Nikki Loney. A frequent international speaker and workshop leader, Michelle has been featured by organizations such as Australian and United States National Association of the Teachers of Singing, University of Utah, New England Conservatory, San Francisco Conservatory, Utah State, Missouri State, The What Works Network, Unstoppable Singer, The Expert Up Club, and Expand Online.

BA in Music from Patten University, MA in Worship, Theology, and the Arts from Fuller Theological Seminary. Cut formal education teeth at University of Northern Colorado in Musical Theatre and Vocal Performance. Based in Rancho Cordova, CA, Michelle and her husband are raising their two amazing kiddos to be deep thinkers and strong leaders through careful study of The Fugees, Star Trek, and the MCU.

Inside The SpeakEasy Cooperative®: I am the lead manager and every team member is a direct report to me. My role is high level decision making about the innovation and trajectory of the company, managing our money, and marketing. I am the overseer of all our programs, a team lead and support coach for H2RA, a support coach for H2P, and the lead coach for VIP. I do 1:1 and group coachings for SECO members, monthly Tuesday Trainings, write books, blogs and emails, create resources, and act as the main point of contact and “glue” for the team. While I am competent in all the areas of coaching, it’s best to come to me for consulting and strategy, intensive personal development, money stuff, long term planning, management and leadership, diversity and inclusion work, and executive function support.

Christin Coffee Rondeau

Christin Coffee Rondeau

Support Coach: Copy and Messaging


Intellection • Activator • Input • Connectedness • Relator

Christin Coffee Rondeau is the co-founder of Sand Dollar Music and director of its voice and piano studio. She sings, teaches singing, mentors new singing teachers, and just generally has a grand ol’ time.

Her writing has been featured in Dr. Robert Sataloff’s “Professional Voice: The Science and Art of Clinical Care,” NATS Inter Nos, and at The Full Voice, and she has been a guest on The Full Voice, Vocal Fri, and The Voice Culture podcasts. She has been a presenter for NATS and The SpeakEasy Cooperative® and is a frequent guest clinician for workshops and masterclasses with independent studios.

Christin holds a BM from Mercer University and an MM from Miami University, and she has completed Level 1 in both Estill and LoVetri and Level 2 in Orff Schulwerk. She currently lives in Las Vegas, NV, but it’s temporary–this is her 9th address in 14 years. Oh, and if you like Doctor Who, The X-Files, or 90’s alternative music, you’re already her friend, even if you haven’t met yet.

Inside The SpeakEasy Cooperative®: I help you with writing copy, messaging, editing, the words you need to talk about your business, and write effectively in your business-related communication. I am a support coach in the How to Run Your Biz Without Hating Your Boss Program and the VIPRoom High-Level Mastermind, and 1:1 coach in SECO.

Sara Campbell

Sara Campbell

CMO / Support Coach: Marketing and Tech


Achiever • Individualization • Activator • Input • Strategic

Sara Campbell is the Chief Marketing Officer for The SpeakEasy Cooperative®. She is a Business Strategist, Marketing, and Mindset Coach for music studio owners and online education experts. She’s worked with hundreds of music entrepreneurs to create customized branding foundations, business plans, and marketing and social media strategies.

She’s helped clients become the go-to music studios in their area, build successful online businesses, and increase their income streams – without overloading their schedules. As a mindset coach she works with teachers to develop their “awesometicity” so that they can run awesome AND authentic music studios and online businesses that bring joy to their lives and the lives of their clients.

Sara’s been featured in Clavier Magazine, Piano Bench Mag, Upbeat Piano Teachers, and has guest blogged for numerous experts, including Jennifer Foxx, Joy Morin, and Tim Topham. She’s been a guest on Teach Music Online, Music & Marketing, The Full Voice Podcast, Inspiring Music Teachers, and Teach Music Co. She’s a coach in The Speakeasy Cooperative® and The Prepared Performer. Sara lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, her two cats Freja and Bjørn, and can be found at

Inside The SpeakEasy Cooperative®: I help you with marketing of your own thing, or how you can contribute to SECO’s marketing. You can also come to me for help with tech stuffs. I am a support coach in the How to Run Your Biz Without Hating Your Boss Program and the VIPRoom High-Level Mastermind, the lead coach in How to Plan Your Biz Without Overwhelming Your Boss, and 1:1 coach in SECO.

Keith J Eldridge

Keith J Eldridge



Connectedness • Learner • Intellection • Achiever • Relator

Keith Eldridge is the Chief Technology Officer and digital strategist for FaithCultureKiss. He is constantly looking for ways to make your online experience better at FcK and within the SECO membership area.

He has the mind of a creative engineer. In the USAF, he studied electrical and mechanical engineering and was the soprano section leader in the Drum and Bugle Corp during technical training. He went on to become a network engineer at Kinkos where he managed a world class network operations and datacenter. He created the internal website for and provided team training on standard operating procedures, increasing team efficiency and communication.

After moving back and forth between Japan and the U.S. to learn the different cultures, he now calls his wife’s hometown of Hiroshima home and ran his own English school there for twenty years. When he’s not redesigning the website or solving your membership issues, Keith enjoys studying Yin/Yang theory, practicing and teaching Tai Chi and expanding on his original healing art at Keith Dream.

Inside The SpeakEasy Cooperative®: I manage and am lead on all things website, Notion, and automations. I can help you with things like website issues, trouble logging in, if you notice a typo or info that’s no longer relevant on the website, not getting emails, understanding a workflow.

Karen Michaels

Karen Michaels

SMM / Support Coach: Social Media


Empathy • Positivity • Activator • Ideation • Futuristic

FaithCultureKiss and a long time member of SECO. You will find her bouncing around in the group chatting up all things voice and changing minds about social media one person at a time!

Karen is living her best multihyphenate life as a multi – biz owner. She is a performer in Las Vegas (singing pianist and founding member of Dangerous Curves, vocal jazz trio), runs her home music studio, The Las Vegas Voice Teacher and is the creator and social brains of The Social Butterfly Group, a coaching and done-for-you social media and marketing agency.

Inside The SpeakEasy Cooperative®: I help you with the tactics around your own social media, or how you can contribute to SECO’s social media. I am a support coach in the VIPRoom High-Level Mastermind and 1:1 coach in SECO.

Saiisha B

Saiisha B

Business Manager


Intellection • Input • Strategic • Connectedness • Deliberative

Saiisha is the Business Manager behind the scenes at The SpeakEasy Cooperative®. Her zone of genius is to keep the backend processes in order so that the rest of the team can focus on what they do best, giving them an opportunity to live out the mission and vision as an organization.

You’ll go to Saiisha when you have a question about billing, links, processes, and if you need to do something fancy with your membership. You’ll also hear from her when you join How to Run Your Biz Without Hating Your Boss Accelerator or The VIPRoom.

She is based on the East Coast of the USA. She has a bachelors degree in Computer Sciences and Engineering, and a masters degree in Computing Sciences, and thrives on resolving tricky tech situations.

Inside The SpeakEasy Cooperative®: I help with anything having to do with billing and payments, contract questions, if you’re not getting emails, questions about your Thrivecart account, or if you’re trying to get in touch with Michelle.


Georgia Aussenac

Georgia Aussenac

Learner Liaison


Strategic • Learner • Relator • Individualization • Achiever

Georgia Aussenac is the Learner Liaison at The SpeakEasy Cooperative®. She collaborates with our community of artists and educators to create engaging and effective continuing education opportunities, and foster a fun and supportive learning environment for our members. Georgia organizes and facilitates events within our community, such as our Virtual Champagne Brunch Member led trainings, Bookclub, How Do You SECO?, and Co-Working sessions. She loves meeting people from all over the world and connecting with other curious minds.

Georgia is a New Zealander living in France. When she’s not hanging out in SECO, she’s running her boutique online voice studio where she works with individuals to build confidence in their voices. She believes that everyone deserves to have easy access to their voice; that everyone should get to use their voices the way that they wish, with comfort and confidence. Georgia is also the President of the France New Zealand Association and cares deeply about cross-cultural connection and building strong relationships across differences. She comes from a family of eccentric adventurers, which makes for lots of great anecdotes.

Being a mother is her latest adventure, after following her French love to the other side of the world, embracing a new culture, language and lifestyle. She’ll always treasure the vast horizons of New Zealand, but the comfort of a perfectly laminated croissant has become home for Georgia. Talk to her about food, cats, and historical fiction.

Inside The SpeakEasy Cooperative®: I help you to maximize the member learning experience here in SECO. Come to me for how to “Do” SECO, getting involved with our VCB’s and events, using the member dashboard, using Slack, your overall membership experience, or if your interested in volunteering! 

Liz Jackson Hearns

Liz Jackson Hearns

Support Coach: Multi-Teacher Studio and Team Based Leadership and Management


Learner • Achiever • Futuristic • Individualization • Empathy

Liz Jackson Hearns is the owner of The Voice Lab, Inc., a multi-teacher voice studio in Chicago and online all over the world, where their team specializes in supporting LGBTQ+ singers and voice users.

As a SECO coach, Liz works with leaders and managers to identify and develop their company culture and SOPs for team-based business management.

Liz has an extensive history as a disruptive educator, researcher, and author, finessing the lines between disruptive comfort and productive discomfort.

Core values and individual strengths from the foundations of her coaching work; she is driven by ceaseless curiosity and fierce belief in the vision and possibilities of clients.

Inside The SpeakEasy Cooperative®: I help you with questions about management and leadership in businesses that have teams. Things like hiring, team culture, and training for SECO’s proprietary Between the Sheets bookkeeping spreadsheets. I am a support coach in the How to Run Your Biz Without Hating Your Boss Program and the VIPRoom High-Level Mastermind, and 1:1 coach in SECO.

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The SpeakEasy Cooperative® for $99/mo