Michelle delivered a presentation on pricing at NATS 2022 that brought up the question: “How to scale your business using ethical pricing strategies.” Find out the answer here
From the mind of Michelle Markwart Deveaux…
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Aren’t You Worried About Sara Campbell?
Sara Campbell is a marketing coach, business coach, and online content creator. When asked this last week, I realized this person is seeped in the scarcity/competition narrative. Today, I explain how we can explore partnerships to improve our business instead of worrying.
Think Like a Business Owner to Maximize Your FUN! AKA Do You Need an MBA to run a Micro Business
Business owners must invest in their businesses to create sustainable and profitable enterprises. Do you need an MBA or are there alternatives? Find out…
How to Make Time for a New Program or Membership
You know you want to join a particular program or membership and you know that it will 100% meet your needs. That is, if you can actually take advantage of it. You’re already overwhelmed and these action items will help you overcome your frustrations.
Being Unproductive in a World that Glorifies Productivity
It's the time when we choose words for the year. It's an extremely valuable exercise - one that allows us to choose an intention and stick with it. There are no real...
Why a Year-Long Tuition Plan Isn’t as Impossible as it may Sound for Voice Teachers – Moving to a 12-Month Tuition Instead of Following the School Year
If you are a voice teacher that begins their tuition plans in September, follows the school year, and loves it, this blog isn't for you. If you are a voice teacher who...
How to Have (and implement) Boundaries During the Holidays
Every year, I read multiple comments and stories about what it's like to run a voice studio during the holidays. We are singers, after all, and even now in the semi...
Zero-Based Scheduling for Voice Teachers (and everyone else who needs help with time management)
Time management is the hardest part of running your nano-business. You wear all the hats – you’re the CEO, CFO, CMO, and chief service provider. Learning Zero-Based Scheduling can help you go from overwhelmed and under-fun to overjoyed and under control. Let me teach you Zero-Based Scheduling.
Three Ways to Start Building a Budget – Even if You’ve Never done Budgeting before
Never made a budget before? Afraid to know the truth about your money? Here are three simple and (hopefully) stress-free ways to begin to look at your independent studio’s money.
Get Rid of Being Uncomfortable with Voice Business Sales
If you own a business, you have to sell. You have to market. You can’t get away from that. What we really want is for our clients to say “hell yes” without feeling manipulated into doing so. Let’s get off this myth that it’s inherently bad to sell, that it’s always dirty or shady.